
But what ABOUT second breakfast?!

I don’t think he knows about that one Pip….

Meet the Fellowship of Fools


Aaron Bonkowski

Organizer, brain behind the operations, editor, keeps the order in a hilarious way, neutral… yet is easily swayed by the powers of the ring. Has not seen the films since the second age in theaters, and has never seen the extended version. One does not simply watch all the films without drinking and making a podcast about it. It is a gift!


Tanya Lehoux

Facilitator, social media pro, Hard core fan, read the books, a lot obsessed, tries to be an expert on Lord of the Rings lore; but really just wants to talk about how Aragorn broke his toe in that one scene, and how the eagles don’t give a flying crap. Sadly does not have a silver basin of glowing liquid to gaze into. All shall fear her and despair!!!


James Christian Milham

Wildcard, full of gossip and inside scoops on behind the scenes, says every film (other than LotRs) is his favourite, and above all craves disorder. Has a strong distaste for elves and anything fair and beautiful, which is probably why he doesn’t really care about this trilogy… even though he watched 5 hours of it yesterday. The age of orc has come!